motherhood and beyond

I love being a Mom. I'm sure its fairly obvious to those who know me. 
I love my kids. I love keeping my home and taking care of my family. 
I love that we've entered this phase where I get to educate and teach my kids about the world, the metric system, how to read and enjoy books, about the solar system, about the government, and to continue sharing my love and hope in Christ with them. 
Becoming a wife and then becoming a Mommy have been areas in my life where God has done most of His pruning on me. In some ways I feel like I was a lump of clay before and in the past 6 1/2 years, I'm taking shape and becoming more of "His image" and less of mine. 

But, its a hard job. And there are days when I most certainly don't look like I'm enjoying it and days where my home certainly looks like its not being "loved on". 
When keeping a meal planning system going is harder than keeping Kara off of high places. 
When saying "no-no" feels like the only phrase coming out of my mouth. 
When finishing one parenting/self help book just makes me feel like there are a million more I should be reading. 
When mopping the floors & cleaning toilets feels like the most useless job on the planet.
When we go out in public and all 3 of my kids act like rotten children with no boundaries. 

But you know, those are the times when I think God does His best work on me. When I realize the strength, successes and source of happiness doesn't come from me. When I realize I'm a work in progress and so is my family. When God reminds me that He doesn't need perfection. He doesn't expect perfection either. He knows my weaknesses and He wants me to follow Him and love Him and obey Him, imperfections and all! Being a child of God doesn't mean a life of pure bliss, never facing trials or ever feeling shipwrecked. It just means you face all those thing {life} with God by your side. His grace and His strength guiding and helping you. 

The other day I was talking with Ethan about what God requires of us; "to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God." -Micah 6:8b
Ethan smiled and said "it seems like God has a lot less rules than you and Daddy give us." and I had to laugh, because as crazy as it sounds, its true! God doesn't burden us with lots of 'rules'. His laws/commands are very direct and 'simple' in that, it doesn't take a special, super talented person to obey them. 
Love the Lord with ALL of your being, love & serve others with joy, pay special attention and care to the orphans and widows - those in need. Preach the Gospel while there still is time, live your life in a way that brings honor and glory to Christ. And all those things sort of intertwine together. You can't really do one and leave off the others. 

I want to fully embrace this time of my life. No matter how monotonous, no matter how crazy, no matter how tiring, no matter how ridiculous I might look to those around me. My kids aren't going to be little forever and that realization is becoming more of a reality every day. All it takes is looking through their baby pictures and Jason and I both gasp and say "it feels like yesterday!" and yet 'yesterday' was really 5+ years ago. And even if God blesses us with many more kids, these 3 will not be little forever. 

Right now my kids are jumping off the couch, onto the coffee table and then onto the floor. Ethan first checked with me, to make sure it was okay and when I said yes, he and Rachel bolted for the family room, screaming "we have the most best Mommy in the world!" 
I hope they always think I'm pretty amazing. Even when I'm not. I hope they learn what Christ looks like by watching their Daddy and Mommy. I know Satan would love nothing more than to give those moments of doubt and fear; making me think I'm not capable to do this job well. 
Thank you Lord, for your frequent and encouraging reminders that Your strength is enough! 


Erin said…
Thanks for the encouragement, Stef! I hope today was a good mommy day. :)
Stef said…
You're welcome!

I was at the Doctor for the majority of the day, so it hasn't felt like a "mommy" day. Especially since we went out to dinner instead of eating in :-)
W and J said…
Such sweet, honest words, Stef! I love how you are able to connect life events, exciting or not, to God's heart& our identity via scripture with ease. It's so encouraging to be reminded!!
Anonymous said…
Ok, this is getting weird...lately what you have been posting has been the very thought that has been consuming me. Thanks for putting down these words for those of us who need a little more encouragement.
Stef said…
that's awesome, Jenn! I'm so glad :)
Jessica said…
That was a great post. Thanks!
Stef said…
you're welcome, Jessi!
Gina said…
Thanks for this post Stef--it was great! Sometimes, even though we feel/think it, it's good to hear it from another! :-)
Stef said…
You're welcome!

I was at the Doctor for the majority of the day, so it hasn't felt like a "mommy" day. Especially since we went out to dinner instead of eating in :-)

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