Picnic #2 {our Church}

On August 20th, we had our church picnic {for just our campus} at an attending family's farm up in Carnation. 
We had a great time getting to see LOTS of babies dedicated to the Lord, lots of baptisms in the river, hearing some testimonies, eat yummy food and playing on the bouncy entertainment provided. I learned that day that I am still very much a child inside :) 

okay, so yes... I totally got into it :) 

and Jason did as well :) 

it was an all around great day. 


W and J said…
how is there NOT a comment already on this awesome-ness?!? I LOVE those pictures of you both getting into it. I would do the exact same thing!! And those little set of curls that Kara has are to die for! You guys get to have lots of fun picnics!
Stef said…
Thanks Jess! It was a TON of fun and yes, Jason and I really got into it. Ethan was thrilled to have us acting like 5 years olds with him.
I think I was most thankful to be feeling well that day. Two Advil and coffee does wonders ;-)

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