pictures of the new house

Pretty self explanatory... this is the front view :) 
Its a silly thing to be excited about, but our kids are thrilled to have 
sidewalk in front of our house! 
Our current home ends at the lawn end, so we've missed sidewalk. 
the deck leads to the lawn area. I can't tell you how excited I am
that the new deck is not so high up. I can see the full view of the
backyard from the kitchen/family room. 

beautiful flowers border the yard. I love how big the lawn is! 

other side of the yard, plus the view. 
if you walk right down this grassy hill, the park is right there. 

zoomed in view from the deck. 
Seattle is that city you see way out in the center distance. 

at the park 

when did he become big enough to give pushes on the swings? 

Also, not sure if I've mentioned on the website, but Kara is pretty much 
potty trained now! We decided to start this past week, since Jason 
and I were both sick and would be home to tag team. 
She's done really well. She's on day 4 and today hasn't had one accident.
I took her out with me to run some errands and then to the park! 
Our approach has been very laid back; setting a 30 minute timer and 
enjoying book reading time while she tries to go potty. I decided against 
giving her lots of extra fluids and it seems to be working in my favor this time. 
The first 2 days it would take her at least 5-10 minutes to go, but by 
day 3, she's pretty much going on demand. 

We're so proud of her. 

It feels like yesterday I had just potty trained Rachel and was saying 
it would be two whole years before I had to starting thinking about 
potty training again. 

Anyway, back to the park pictures... 

our neighborhood has some really fun paths to walk on. 

even though its a warm day, Fall is in the air. 
We moved here in October last year and I'm getting a kick out of entering 
our first 2nd season in Washington :) 
Last year all the seasons were brand new for us, 
but this year will be our 2nd of them all! 

the house we're moving out of is down there. Its been a great home. 
And I'm personally pretty excited we get to stay in this area. 

Kara's first picture ever! 
She took this while we were at the park today. 


Erin said…
What a beautiful home, Stef!! How exciting.
I love having sidewalks, too. It's a nice thing!
Brooke said…
So pretty and so happy. Love it!
Watch out, we may be your neighbors when we return from Brazil (if Doug can find a job :) )! I'm loving it there from what you show in your pictures :).
In Everything said…
It's beautiful... and we love sidewalks, great for bikes;)

You left a comment on SIMPLE but you should have left a couple more;) For each of the extra tasks, you should leave a comment... give you more of a chance;)

Also, leave an email address OR display it in your profile;) So we can contact you without having to leave a comment on your blog... so sorry!!
Stef said…
Brooke, I would LOVE it if you guys move here! We absolutely love it here, so we'd give lots of Washington praise if you needed any : )
I think its a grand place to raise a family for sure. But I think I'd retire here as well ;-)

Kelly, no worries! I didn't realize I could leave more than one comment. Thank you!
Nicola said…
Stef, what a great backyard. I love great big lawns. Lots of fun for the kids. It looks like a great house too.
Stef said…
Thanks Gina! She woke up this morning acting completely trained. She's been dry all day AND telling us when she needs to go. I will confess, I had a short cry when I realized she's officially leaving her baby'ness behind. But, I'm just so thankful for a healthy (almost) 2 year old girl :)

Also, just so you know... our new home will not feel like 'home' until you come visit. Hope that's a big enough guilt trip for ya ;-)
Jane said…
I loved seeing all the pictures--the house & yard are beautiful! Can't wait to see and feel Fall around here too!
Carrie said…
OH, it is beautiful! Looks like it is landscaped too! Since, I have been battling blackberry bushes at my new house, having a ready to go yard would make me thrilled. Who knew blackberry bushes had super powers?
We should get together, seeing as we live so close! I am going to look around your site for email.
Stef said…
Thanks Mom. Can't wait until you can come visit :)

Carrie, the landscaping completely captivated us. The awesome perk is, they pay for the landscapers to come and keep it that way! I'm looking forward to planting some herbs and also enjoying fresh picked flowers in my kitchen quite often :)

I would love to get together! I almost jumped out of my skin when I realized you live in/near Seattle!
my email is
Krista said…
Does your backyard open up into that bigger grassy area? I couldn't tell from the picture. The house looks great! What a blessing to find a cheaper place in the neighborhood you love!!
Stef said…
No, that's a gap in the fence (for whatever reason, they never finished it there) and it opens up to the neighbor's yard. She's a single lady, who works a lot and said the kids are more than welcome to play on her grass too, but we're going to finish off the fence, so Kara doesn't wander far off :)
Sunny said…
What a lovely home, Stef! I'm sure you guys will make many happy family memories there. :)
Sunny said…
What a lovely home, Stef! I'm sure you guys will make many happy family memories there. :)

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