   were you really here? Were you really a full 30 days? How did you pass by so quickly? 
Its hard to believe a new month is here. Its hard to believe Fall isn't just in the air, its here
Its hard to believe we've arrived at the 1 year anniversary of living here in Washington State. 
Hard to believe that move was such a mixture of sadness, like-it-or-not change, amazement, joy, contentment and peace. Its so hard to believe what 1 year can encompass. 
Its been a full year. Its been packed full of every different emotion and situation I think I could imagine for one year. What I've loved most about this year is how God has revealed Himself to Jason and I in so many new and exciting ways. We've both marveled at how He's grown the two of us; how He's shown us so much more of who He is and what we're not. I don't think its because we moved to Washington, but I do think its because we fully trusted Him to lead us and guide us and protect us -- we were willing to embrace new and welcome change. Those things are really hard for me, personally to do. I like to feel comfortable, safe, routine. I'm a huge fan of routine. I like the familiar. I like tradition. So it was year of learning to say,

 "okay, Lord. Its not what we would've chosen, but You know what's best
Take us, teach us, use us, shape us. 
Rip away the bad habits, the bad theology that's crept in, 
the lazy complacency that can set in when we try to pretend we control things.
 Here we are. We're fully yours." 

And this past year isn't the first time we've prayed some of those things... but I think they became so much more of a reality for us, since we felt completely helpless and in some cases, alone, for the first time since getting married. Wanna know how much you love and depend on your spouse? Move away from the life you've always known and 'start over' together. Its scary, but positively amazing... if God is directing it :) 

October is here. That means Fall traditions begin. I have a twinge of sadness at this time of year, because its the one time of year I miss having our kids so close to the Grandparents. I'm not sure how much our kids feel it. They don't talk about it at all... I think living far away has become very normal to them. I wish adults could adjust the way kids do. 
I'm learning to make the most out of even harder situations. I never thought talking to the Grandparents via skype would be so meaningful. But it is. Its so cool to SEE them, even on the computer. Gives the feeling of a quick visit... without real hugs. 
The kids are so excited about Fall crafts, pumpkin patch visits, baking with Mommy, anticipating Thanksgiving Day - we love Thanksgiving Day around here. I'm loving being able to light candles, on the cooler nights at least. I'm actually super eager for the cold, drizzly weather. What can I say? I was born to live here. 
The other morning, the kids and I went outside first thing {still in our pj's, because that makes it more fun} and we took a great big, deep breath of the crisp, fir tree smelling morning air and said "Autumn is here!!!" It was fun to officially welcome such a great time of year. God is SO good to show His love for us and His passion,  even in creation around us. 
I love that wherever we look, all of creation points back to God, the Creator of all

What are some things you love about this time of year? I get such great ideas, reading all your posts on the different seasons. What are some things you love to bake during the Fall? I would love to try some new seasonal recipes. 


Erin said…
Martha Stewart's brown butter iced pumpkin cookies!!! One of the great things about fall!
I love fall, too. Early this morning (like still night time) it rained here for a little while. That was so cool. I love the sound of rain at night.
Stef said…
Oh, those cookies sound yummy!
And I too love rain at night. During the winter months up here it rains almost every night from 11pm-5am or so (hence the greenery) and on those nights when it decides not to rain, you tend to lay in bed thinking something is terribly wrong :)
Erin said…
Martha Stewart's brown butter iced pumpkin cookies!!! One of the great things about fall!
I love fall, too. Early this morning (like still night time) it rained here for a little while. That was so cool. I love the sound of rain at night.

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