its really random

We often have pictures that I'm not really sure what to do with. I save them, because even though they're random, they're glimpses of our day-to-day life and I know someday they'll be so fun to look through and walk down memory lane. 
I wanted to post some of these, because the toys the kids are using, were gifts from their Grandparents. The baby carriers the girls are using here are from my parents. 
the girls love these carriers and even Ethan can be seen wearing the grey one from time to time. Rachel loves to wear it because she says she likes to pretend she's me, when I would carry Kara around when she was a baby. Kara likes to use them for two reasons. 
1.) she loves pretending to be a Mommy. 
2.) she loves to copy Rachel. 

on this particular day, we were having a lazy, stay-home-in-pjs day
and the girls enjoyed their share of playing house. They were setting up play dates, 
doing lots of "baking" in their little kitchen {serving me the wonders they had created}
and doing the "nighttime!" and "daytime!" call outs, to let each other know when it was time to go to bed and time to wake up. I'm telling you, it all brings back so many memories :) 

Much like our old house, this one has some amazing views. 
Even when the weather is drizzly and grey, the colors are still so breathtaking. Isn't Fall pretty much beautiful everywhere?! 
This picture is taken through the mini blinds in our bedroom. 

this might be a funny/odd picture to some, but I think some of you will laugh when you see it, knowing exactly why I took a picture of it :) 
In the past weeks, this leveler has become my dearest friend. 
I'm completely lost without this, the measuring tape, hammer & nails. 

this one is the view from my kitchen sink windows. 
I love that I can watch the kids play on the large deck and on the lawn. 
And then, there's the view again. 

a fun afternoon of play dough creations! every in door, rainy day needs to have some 
play dough and hide-and-seek, don't you think? 
Jason's parents and Grandmas sent Kara birthday money and we went to Target and 
stocked up on some play dough toys. The girls love playing play dough, so I knew this would be a hit! We bought a cake bakery set and had so much fun creating all sorts of little non-edible treats. Keeping Kara from eating them was a fun trick ;-) 
I think my favorite thing about play dough is, you can tell how much 
fun you had when you see the delightful mess afterward. 

I told Kara to close her eyes so I could show her the cake I made for her... 
she got the biggest kick out of it. 

the girls enjoyed lunch on the deck earlier last week. 
They told me they were pretending they 
lived in the country and grew pumpkins and apples for a living :) 


Jane said…
and one of these days you'll turn around and see Rachel and Kara holding their own little ones and think...wasn't it just yesterday that I saw them pretending to be mommies?
this post made me cry...I miss you all so much!
Stef said…
we miss you too, Mom! And yes, I had that very thought when I watched them play... "someday those will be real babies and real carries and I'll be remembering this day like it was just yesterday."

Nicola said…
those are the sweetest pictures of the girls, Stef. I love the ones kissing their babies! So adorable! The fall colors in the maple trees you can see are so beautiful!
I love Fall!
Stef said…
Gina, I keep dreaming that someday we'll end up in the same spot again :)
Charlotte said…
Random pictures are the best. My favorite is the play dough shot. And when you get your new place set up I would love to see photos! You decorate very nicely. :-)
Stef said…
Thanks Charlotte! The house is completely set up, I just haven't taken pictures yet. But I'll try to get a post up soon.
W and J said…
So sweet. Totally love the kissing babies picture too & the beautiful autumn trees from your view!! Oh swoon! How I love fall. :)
Emily said…
Maybe you should consider doing Project 365. One photo a day for a year to capture the everyday events of your life. Then those random photos are put to great use. These are those precious moments you will never get back, but will be so glad you captured. =)
Shane Eckert said…
Really sweet photos. Love them.
Stef said…
cool idea, Emily!!
Thanks Shane :)

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