the party

First, I have to show you what happens when Kara finds the 
big bag full of her party decorations. 
She decided it made a fun pretend car. 


We had actually decided against a party this year. With everything else going on, we 
figured we'd do something just our family.  
The more we talked about it and the closer we got to her big day, we 
both admitted that we really did want to do something special. Didn't have to 
be as big of a deal as we've made parties in the past, but we definitely wanted to 
do something fun for her. 
So 2 days before the party, we sent out last minute invites and didn't expect many 
people to come at all, but we got a good turn out! 
I was bummed most of her little friends couldn't come, but that's what happens
when you give parents such short notice :( 
I made a huge pot of my Mom's spaghetti sauce, a big salad, 
lots of french bread and fruit. 
Dessert was a double layer chocolate cake {mommy's specialty} 
and Dryers Take the Cake flavored ice cream - which was 
much better than I thought it would be! 
The kids stayed up until close to midnight and then Jason and I enjoyed 
fun with our friends until close to 4am. 
We're all tired today, but Monday is our Saturday around here, so 
we're having a lazy day at home together. 

Still can't believe she's two! 

could not get her to smile for the camera at all. 
Its like the more she knew we wanted her to, the more she ran and hid from it. 

Juliet & Rachel 

after she smiled like this, she said 
"do you like my new smile where I make my eyes super tiny?" 

again, she looked away as soon as I got her attention.... 

Mr. Ash 

she was really excited about her cake this year. Really excited. 
When she saw me making it the night before, she had the hardest time staying in bed 
-She kept coming down stairs and saying, 
"what'ya doin' mom? Makin' my cake?! I wanna help you!" 
And so she did.... by licking the chocolate off the beaters. Its the best part. 


Nicola said…
Happy Birthday Kara!
I love the picture of her face when she sees her cake. What a cutie, I can't believe that she's two! Hope she had a great day!
Stef said…
Thanks Nicola! I really appreciated your sweet comment. She did have a wonderful birthday!
Carrie said…
She is a doll! I love that she made it a car. That is a girl on the move! ;-)
W and J said…
Another awesome day in the Arnold's!! Happy #2, Miss Kara. And what a fabulous party, even if it was last minute.

I love that she's wearing her hello kitty pjs while sitting on her decorations. :)
Stef said…
Thanks Nicola! I really appreciated your sweet comment. She did have a wonderful birthday!

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