she's two

Is two years old still considered a baby? I don't think so. Not technically at least. We pretend, in our house, she's all baby. But she's not. Not at all, actually. And she tries daily to remind us that she is in fact, a big girl. 
She's been talking about her birthday party for the past 3 weeks. Whenever we'd say "are we gonna have a birthday party for you?" she replied with "yes! its gonna be Hello Kitty!" She adores Hello Kitty. I actually think that's an understatement. She loves Hello Kitty more than Jason likes computers. Hopefully that gets my point across :) 
Its kind of hard to imagine that two years ago today we were saying hello, face-to-face with our beautiful, new baby girl, Kara Joy. Two years ago today our family of 4 became a family of 5 and man, did those two years feel like they went by in the blink of an eye. Kara's 2 years of life have gone by faster than Ethan's and Rachel's did for sure. 

Kara is a little ball of energy. 
she's curious, which means she's often getting into trouble. 
she's smart and catches on very quickly. 
she likes to copy and imitate, especially Rachel.
she loves to sing and memorize songs she hears. 
she likes to be brave and tries really hard not to cry.... 
but sometimes she can be the biggest cry baby of them all. 
she's not nearly as social or as friendly as Ethan and Rachel were at this age. 
she likes to watch and observe people, before she decides to go and meet them. 
she speaks in full sentences now and its pretty darn cute. 
she loves her paci. its going to be tough to break her of that. 
she loves the moon. her favorite book has the moon on every page and when she turns the page, she yells out "THE MOON!!" and everyone reading with her has to point to it and yell the same thing. 
she likes purses and loves to carry them on her shoulder, just like Mommy. 
in fact, her new favorite phrase is "I wa'be just yike Mommy." 
anything Hello Kitty thrills her to her very core. 
she's becoming quite the phone talker. 
she remembers people and places really well. reminds us of Ethan in that way. 
she's potty trained, has been sleeping in a big girl bed for several months now, rarely using a stroller, doesn't use a high chair and is starting to let go of bottles...

Why does the  baby stage have to end so fast?! :( 

We love our little munchkin SO much and praise the Lord for her life and the blessing she is to our family. Her name means Pure/Dear {Kara} Joy and I'd say she's living up to being just that. 

Party pictures will be up... after the party :) 


Jane said…
Happy Birthday to my Kara Mia!!
Reading about her made me think about how she is so much like her mommy!! Those days all went by too in the blink of an eye--and now she is growing up too fast!
I miss you and love you--can't wait to see you again!
Love and kisses--Nana
Erin said…
Happy Birthday Kara! Aww! The baby stage does go past so quickly...
That is so cute about the Hello Kitty stuff. How do little "babies" get so obsessed with stuff like that?! Really cute! I hope the party is a blast for her!
Stef said…
Erin, I've wondered the same thing! Rachel loved princesses long before we ever told her what they were! When she was about 8 month old we walked down the Barbie aisle at Target, to buy a gift for a friend and she started ooing, awing and gasping the whole time. Made me LOL :)
I tried encouraging Ethan to like Thomas (the train) and he never did... so who knows!

Thanks Mom and Gina - she's having a very good day.
Opted not to go into her new Sunday school class though. She's going from the 12-24 month class into the big 2 year old class, with crafts and story time. She's taking her nap now, so she will be all ready for party time tonight :)
Carrie said…
Happy Birthday, Kara! She has the same birthday as Rian! Except he was 33 yesterday. Two is so much cuter. :-)

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