skin care. concerned or not?

We tend to be a culture that's very concerned {though not enough} about what we put into our bodies, to fuel them and to be as healthy as we can be. But I think one area I find people less worried about is the area of hygiene. I hear a lot of "well, if I start freaking out about the soaps and shampoos I use on my kids, I'm going to turn into one of those paranoid women who can't do anything or go anywhere, for fear of it harming my kids." That is true. If you become such an over-the-top freak about those things then yes, you will become a hermit that can never leave your home.
But I personally like to do my very best at making sure what I use on my kids and what I put into my kids is the healthiest choice I can afford and find.
I do a lot of reading on these subjects, which does take a lot of time, but I think its been worth while, for our family. And I know Jason appreciates it, because he doesn't always have the time after work to soak his brain in all this stuff. So its the kind of thing I read about, then pass on a great article or two for him to read, then we have some conversations on the topic, then we try to find a local place where we can afford and buy products and then we go from there! Ends up being great fun actually.
I've recently begun following this blog {and love it!} and today she posted about this very topic, which thrilled me. I wanted to share the links with you that she shared on her blog. The Deep Skin link is one I'm quite familiar with and then the goat products are new(er) to me, but quite intriguing. Especially the low prices!

So here is a link where you can read and learn about products we put onto our bodies; their ingredients and what those ingredients can do to you, long term. Its called Skin Deep 

Here is a link for a much cheaper {but still very good for you and your skin} its called Goat Milk Stuff

If you go to Drea's blog, she has a special offer through Goat Milk Stuff where you can use a code and save 10% on purchases. Check it out!

And because I'm posting about this, I would love to hear what healthier alternatives you've found! I'm always eager for at home recipes to make my own stuff. I made a large portion of Kara's body cleaners when she was an infant and I really want to get back into that.
I also realized I'd like to check out Burts Bees and see how they rate on the healthy side of things. I do love that brand and I admit my heart will break a tiny bit if I find out they're not very healthy....


Flourishing said…
Thank you for posting about the Goat Milk Family. Looks good. Have you ordered from them?
I am curious if it would help my eczema beyond just watching sugar in my diet. I had thought about looking for better alternatives for skin and then I just decided to keep with convenient and cheap.
Stef said…
I did my first order tonight!! I've used something like this before, but it was way more expensive. I did love it, just couldn't keep spending so much.
Also, when we got our R/O water system in CA, the company gave us a bunch of products to use, with limited or no chemicals and one of them was a box of bars of oatmeal soap, which we love. I've never used soap that leaves my skin feeling softer!

For my skin, I've loved the Meaningful Beauty line that you can order from and I have heard several woman say that it at least minimized their eczema.... though I don't have that, so I'm not sure :(
Flourishing said…
I placed an order last night too. I do think it seems to be reasonably priced (except for the lotion, which I am going to try). I ordered a few products and with the free samples, I think I will be able to try everything I was interested in. I am curios to see how long it lasts. I need to buy some drainable soap dishes.
Thanks again for posting about this family.
Stef said…
I'm so glad! I hope it works out for you - maybe you could email me and let me know what you think :)
Erin said…
Thanks Stef. I do like using quality, natural soaps. But, I'm no expert on the matter. Thanks for the links.
You are right - choosing to care about something doesn't automatically mean you are "freaking out" about it. Ha!
Jessica said…
That Goat Milk Site is pretty that it's a family business.
I am so in the infancy of this topic. I just finally went BPA free and got all glass containers for food storage. My in-laws are very hip when it comes to all natural products and I find myself just going, "Huh! Well my family never died of brain cancer because we warmed our food up in plastic!" Or "Well, I didn't always wear sunblock either..." But Sam reminds me all the time that even when we were children the UV rays were different. AND we know a lot more about chemicals effects on our bodies now...all that convenience - what does it give us? Cancer apparently...and a huge floating piece of plastic in the ocean.
Stef said…
I am too, Jessi! Every time I read another article or book or have a discussion about it with people who are much more educated than I, I feel like I have SO far to go. But, its nice knowing we can take baby steps and won't die in the meantime :)

I just bought the set of glass canisters at Costco! I was so excited to see them there and for such a LOW price!
Jessica said…
That's where I bought them too! And I have the 6 dollar off coupon! Go Costco!
Stef said…
I am too, Jessi! Every time I read another article or book or have a discussion about it with people who are much more educated than I, I feel like I have SO far to go. But, its nice knowing we can take baby steps and won't die in the meantime :)

I just bought the set of glass canisters at Costco! I was so excited to see them there and for such a LOW price!
Erin said…
Thanks Stef. I do like using quality, natural soaps. But, I'm no expert on the matter. Thanks for the links.
You are right - choosing to care about something doesn't automatically mean you are "freaking out" about it. Ha!
Volkov Family said…
I placed an order last night too. I do think it seems to be reasonably priced (except for the lotion, which I am going to try). I ordered a few products and with the free samples, I think I will be able to try everything I was interested in. I am curios to see how long it lasts. I need to buy some drainable soap dishes.
Thanks again for posting about this family.

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