Update on Stef

So many of you have emailed asking how my health issues are going and if there's anything new to report.
First, thank you SO much for the continued prayers and love.
Second, sorry I haven't responded to many of you - we've been busy and I think I wanted to respond when I had some great news, but I don't.

I will be going to see a Chiropractor as soon as the move is over. My Dr. believes most of my issues are being caused by something going on in my back; possibly with my spine, due to Kara's weird presentation at birth. I am in constant back pain 24/7, so we definitely need to look into that. We didn't realize how bad it had become until the day I realized I live on about 4-6 Motrins a day, to keep the pain from getting the better of me.

 I will be going in for an internal ultra sound sometime in November, to check on my right ovary. After the CT scan, the Dr. noticed my right ovary is a bit enlarged and so they want to take a closer look there, to see what's going on.

That's the only update I have so far! I'm sorry its taken me so long to get back to some of you with an update. Hoping to have more clear answers soon. Thank you for the prayers.


Carrie said…
Stef, I am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for you.
Brooke said…
I'll keep praying, Stef. Sorry to hear about the back pain. I know how it is to live in constant pain. We'll pray the chiro can help and that nothing bad is found in further scans.
Charlotte said…
I am so sorry you have to go through this, Stef. I have issues with ovarian cysts and they are not fun, but usually not dangerous. Praying that the Chiropractor works and you can get a handle on the pain!
Stef said…
thanks SO much, ladies!! We begin moving tomorrow and so I'm hoping to have an appt. set in place next week.
W and J said…
Thank you for the update! I was wondering how the progress was going. I'm still praying for healing and that that the ultimate reason is discovered.
Krista said…
Ah! I had no idea you were in *that* much pain. :( I will continue praying for you! Hopefully the chiropractor will be able to help you!
Erin said…
Still praying for you, Stef. Thanks for updating us.
How interesting that the back & cysts may be related? I hope you find something out & get some relief.
Stef said…
I actually don't have any cysts right now. They're not sure why my right ovary is enlarged, which is why they're going to do the internal ultra sound. Make sure everything is okay!

Thank you SO much for the prayers, all!
Stef said…
I actually don't have any cysts right now. They're not sure why my right ovary is enlarged, which is why they're going to do the internal ultra sound. Make sure everything is okay!

Thank you SO much for the prayers, all!

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