Pinter-post... again

I log into Pinterest probably once a month... if even that. Its fun for a few minutes, but I'm telling you, I still don't understand that website. Is it really just a place for us to go get ideas? Either way, I'm using it to laugh at funny sayings and go "oh, neat! What a great idea" and then move on.
So here's a few of my July picks....

This is something I will try and replicate. It fits our home quite well. 

If we had a closet to dedicate to laundry baskets... I would do this. 

ha! I love it. Read, repeat and repeat again. All day long.
why do all the good quotes have to be anonymous?! 

okay, this I might just find space for. 

Its true. 

such a sweet & simple idea! 
it was her something blue :)

yes, it surely is. 

if our new home had stairs, I would try so hard to get 
this feature added. But I am thankful for a 1 story... 

I'm not gonna wait for a holiday to do this one. 
This will be suitable for any day. 

before you go thinking this is one fancy dresser from a super pricey store... 
this is a regular dresser with IKEA spice racks on the sides!! 

the end. 


Krista said…
I love the dresser idea! If I had more money to redecorate around here, I think I would be way more into Pinterest. I think it is a great way of collecting ideas! Kind of the modern-day magazine clipping. :)
W and J said…
These ARE great ideas!! So far I've found it to be a good source of inspirition for us- especially if I have an idea (like what to do with our pantry) and I have a hard time getting that across to William. We've looked at the pictures together to get a base idea of what to do with ours. Also for color schemes for rooms, etc or upcycling ideas. But really do the majority of users take it to the next level and actually do something about these ideas?! Probably not...
Stef said…
Well said. I think you both described what I was kind of thinking, but couldn't wrap my mind around.
Clipping from magazines was never my thing (and you all know how creative I am - haha) so maybe that's why.
You can find some pretty cool ideas, that's for sure! We plan on using the spice rack on the dresser idea.
Charlotte said…
I am so not into decorating, but I love the craft ideas and recipes I see on there. And the sayings make it worth it too. (I am off to repin a couple of your sayings!)

I love the stairs storage area...under our stairs is a closet where we keep art supplies and books. The only problem is it opens into the garage...
Nicola said…
Love the stairs. I think I'd do that if I had stairs. The dresser was a great idea as well.
~ Kristen said…
I LOVE pintrest juswt adore it, I log in at least twice a month I have gotten some great ideas from it! :) so fun. LOVE that first one no this especially I think I will do something like it!! :)
Tara said…
holy cow do i LOVEEEE that first sign!! completely and totally the "motto" for our home. i am all over that, thank you so much for sharing!!

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