chop, chop!

and the results are in... she looks pretty cute! 

 nothing better than your hairstylist coming to your house! 

 I asked her what she thought and she said, 
"I love it and I love that I still look like ME!" 


FullofSunshine said…
Love the new hairl Cut-it's so cute~
Shane Eckert said…
Very cute! It's a little stef!
Ernie Arnold said…
What happened to "I wanna let my hair grow to my BOD-dum?" -Grandpa Ernie
Charlotte said…
So cute! Alas, none of my girls want a haircut right now....
Ernie Arnold said…
Of course, I also want to say Rachel looks beautiful!
Stef said…
Haha! I think she realized how impractical hair to her bottom was :-)
Getting the knots and tangles out were turning into torture every morning. She's eager for you guys to see it in person!
Nicola said…
Too cute!! She looks all grown up! Love it.
W and J said…
She has such beautiful, thick hair!!! Love the new do--such a grown up little girl!
Tara said…
so freaking cute!!!

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