Haha! I think she realized how impractical hair to her bottom was :-) Getting the knots and tangles out were turning into torture every morning. She's eager for you guys to see it in person!
Probably like most of you Moms, I've been sick of being sick throughout the winter. Its such a fun, holiday time of year and totally stinks when you're stuck inside, with illnesses. And, if you're not a fan of getting a vaccine for every little bug that goes around, you end up realizing you have to do your research to learn how to build up the immune systems and keep your brood healthy. I'm also learning that when it comes to sickness {we're talking sickness that won't cause death}, its actually good for our bodies to learn to fight things off naturally and not constantly running to get shots or drugs to cure us from ever getting sick again {which those shots don't do anyway}. I'm no pro and my oldest child isn't even 7 yet, so I'm definitely not posting this to teach you ladies anything. And, for those of you with older kids, feel free to leave tips for how you keep your family healthy or natural ways to fight off colds and viruses. ...
I am so excited about this blog giveaway! Some friends of ours in Northern California have started a company called Blackflower & Company and we're doing a blog giveaway with them here! I received my tea a few days ago and it is, hands down, the best peach ginger tea I've ever had. I wanted to help them get word about their business spread and in the meantime, one of you gets to win pretty cool prizes :) The prize is 2 (4 oz.) bags of tea {your choice} and one of their very special teapots! This is an awesome giveaway, valued higher than $30 Here are the rules to follow: enter a comment in this post If you'd like to go to their website 1st, you can look around and let us know what flavor tea you'd chose and which color teapot you'd like if you win. If you have a Facebook account, be sure to 'like' them on FB and then you get to leave a 2nd comment here, letting me know and it will increase your chances of win...
Getting the knots and tangles out were turning into torture every morning. She's eager for you guys to see it in person!