hi there

I'm in a lazy mood and I don't have much to say at all, no pictures I feel like uploading, but wanted to say hello.
School started over a week ago and life hasn't been the same since. But its been good and productive and fun. I think I prefer this to the lazy days of summer. I enjoy summer for a bit, but after a while I get tired of the days with very little structure and "wandering" from thing to thing. Maybe that will change as the kids get older, who knows.
School has pointed something out to me {yet again} about my kids. They are all from the same two parents, but each TOTALLY different in personality and temper. It amazes me.
I think that's what keeps the schooling fun and never feeling dull. Its totally different with each new child and that makes the adventure more of an... adventure!

We're pretty settled into the new house. A few rooms need better organization and with school starting right as we moved in, I've put some of it off and out of sight until I feel like getting to it.
We like this house. The kids love it. If I let them, they'd play in the backyard all day long, having me serve them food 3 times a day :)
I'm struggling a bit with the move. I almost didn't say anything because I don't want to sound like a complainer or like I'm unthankful. I'm extremely thankful to God for providing us with a great place to live.
Its just been a very, very hard adjustment for me. I miss our old neighborhood. I miss our old neighbors. I miss the view, dreadfully. I am not used to looking out the window and seeing nothing but tree trunks and trees. It might sound trivial and lame, but its been really hard on me, personally. I've struggled with it way more than I thought I would. I've had some days where I'm just sad and I feel lonely. If you know me well at all, you know those are not typically things I deal with, ever.
So we've been trying to get out of the house more, get to know our surroundings better, so this will feel like home, sooner. We didn't live in our old house very long {10 months} but it was the only neighborhood we had ever lived in, up here. So two years of being in one place, kinda makes that place feel like home. I'm excited to make some new memories in this home. Looking forward to the holidays and family visits and such. I think it will just take time, so time I'm giving it :)

Hope this post didn't bum you out. Its where I'm at and probably why I've been in a blogging slump. When the evenings arrive I'm pretty tired and Jason and I have been enjoying the time alone, after the kids go to bed. Those are my favorite hours of the night - the house is quiet and we have uninterrupted hours of time together, every night. Its lovely.

Here's a picture I'll share from our field trip we took today, to Auntie Anne's Pretzel store! 
 things that get pointed out to me all the time. 
"your older two kids look like twins!"
     Yes, they do. 
Probably because Rachel is as tall as Ethan and wears the same size shoes as him.
     "Your little one has CURLY hair!"
     Yep, she does. She gets it from both sides of the family.
     "Your kids all look related, but very different from each other."
     Its because Ethan looks A LOT like my husband and his Grandpa, 
Rachel is a complete mixture of Jason and me 
and Kara got most of her looks from me.
   I seriously get those comments almost every time we're out.

Have a great week/end!


Brooke said…
I SO understand!! I know what you mean, that you don't want to sound complaining, but want to be real and share what's gong on in yoiur heart. And all the different emotions or intricacies of it all can be complicated. I have felt the same way you have for most, if not all, of the time we've been here! It's a good place to be (because we're reminded of where our true home is and God uses it to bring us closer to Him and to show us our hearts) and it's a hard place to be. I'll be praying!
Erin said…
Stef, I'm sorry! I am praying for you right now. Little things can sometimes affect us a lot. (And, your view was pretty amazing!)
Anonymous said…
Thank you for your openess and honesty. I appreciate you so much as a friend. Would love to hook up for more play dates if you are feeling up to it. Gideon loves you guys and I do too!
Stef said…
Thanks so much, ladies! Brooke, I knew you'd relate. I have to say, I cannot imagine the depression I'd struggle with if I also hated the state/city we live in. I feel like I just need to go sit and watch the sunset next week, have a good cry and lament over the fact that I don't get a view of it every day and then move on :)

Thank you, Erin! I felt them today.

Sarah, thanks for coming over on Tuesday - we had fun with you guys! Let me look at our schedule next week and get back to you. See you on Sunday!
Nicola said…
Hey Stef, I'm praying that God will be your "view" during this time of loneliness, (who knows maybe in a few months you won't want to be anywhere else)!
But I do know how it feels being lonely. This is my really lonely time, until December. Lucas is gone so much of the time and not having a neighborhood or being close to our church body, I really have to stay focus on Christ and His word.
Anonymous said…
I'm just gonna say... Hi!

Maybe see you around Christmas time :)

I'm sure your new place will feel like home soon enough, just gotta make it through that transition period.


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