Let it snow!

Finally. That's all I have to say. It finally snowed. 
{taken on Wednesday}
    I couldn't find the regular camera and snapped these with my cell phone.

    I think its hilarious to look out and see a swimming pool this time of year :)

 the palm trees with snow on them made me LOL 

 our neighbor got his sled out. 
he's a smart guy. 

took a break from school for some snow recess 
{they have no idea what 'snow days' are and intend to keep it that way}

     "which way did Daddy go...."

    the recycling pile never looked so pretty!

    the driveway....

these were taken on Wednesday and then we woke up Thursday morning
to find we were completely out of power.
Jason plugged in the generator, made it to the store to get gas & oil
and then we plugged the fridge, pellet stove and a tv into the generator.
Kept us quite comfortable for the 36+ hours we were w/out power!

Power came back around 10:30pm on Friday night and we were all quite
overjoyed. Kara seemed more confused than anything.
I love how quickly she had adjusted to our new normal.
I woke up this morning {Saturday} not feeling quite right
and within an hour of being up, realized I've been hit with the
stomach flu :( I've not been anywhere since I was on the plane, so I'm
guessing these are germs I picked up there.
Been throwing up every 25-30 minutes on the dot, since 10am and ready for
this to be OVER. Would appreciate prayers!


Nicola said…
Oh Stef, I'm so sorry you're sick. I'll be praying you feel better real soon. Love the snow pictures! Have fun in the snow. I love it!!

We had a real snow day on Thursday, Lucas was able to get for about 20 minutes then came back home and said there's no point being out on a day like this. He barely got out of our driveway and back in. We got 3 1/2 feet in one storm!! The biggest we've had since we've been up here!
Charlotte said…
Beautiful photos!

I am praying that you get well soon. :-)
Stef said…
Thanks ladies! I feel much, much better today. Was able to each some chicken and a pb&j last night and felt much better. Trying to up my water intake and protein now that I'm so depleted.

Also, snow melted. Was fun while it lasted! Just not the power outage part :)
Tara said…
i am so jealous!!
W and J said…
The snow is absolutely beautiful!! And I'm so sad you got sick too! :( I really hope we didn't pass it on. :( :(

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