4th of July {evening}

 this year we brought 4th of July into our backyard. 
Since it landed on the night our Community Group meets, 
we had everyone over to our house for BBQ and festivities. 
Because we were actually the ones setting off fireworks, I don't have 
any pictures from late in the night. 
But I can tell you we had fun. 
S'mores were roasted, 
fireworks were set off 
and fun memories were made. 
saw this idea in Martha Stewart Living and loved it.
They were so yummy!

    the infamous zip-line.

   Kara, setting off one of her first sparklers!

 this is what I call martial bliss. 
husband + wife, deeply in love. 
{a.k.a Nick & Ally}


W and J said…
WAAAAAAAAH?!!? You guys have a ZIPLINE?! So so so cool. Must have missed that update. ;) Looks like SUCH a fun evening and how cool that Jason's parents were there too!!

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