I'd like to interrupt this broadcast to tell you about...

If you're on FB and friends with me on FB then you know that I posted about our Pastor and his wife about a week ago. I'll give a quick background here for those of you who don't know...
Our Pastor {Thomas} and his wife {Angela} found out a week+ ago that Angela has stage 3 colon cancer, while 17 weeks pregnant with their 4th son.
A website has been created for them to leave updates, prayer requests and a place for donations to be made. I wanted to share that with you all, since I know many of you are already praying. 
I linked their website on the right hand side of my blog. Its titled "Hurst Family {our Pastor}"

Please be praying for them. The power of prayer is stronger than anything else.


Sunny said…
Oh my goodness... what a gorgeous family, what devastating news. Prayers, prayers, tons of prayers.

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