10 Things

1.) vacation was amazing, but sadly, had to come to an end. I left my heart here and hope we can go back soon. 2.) I'm learning that when you're 8, shirts are optional. 3.) When you're the 4th child and your older two siblings are girls.... Your toys will be pink and you'll survive. 4.) These two are moving to Virginia. Boo . {the game is called 'Nertz', I'm not actually calling them names} 5.) I can get my kids to eat anything for dinner, if I promise them a yummy dessert. This particular night was strawberry shortcakes. 6.) I tell people we live in a beautiful "area" ... ... and then I realize we just live in a beautiful state. This lovely trail is right outside our house. 7.) When in doubt, take a bath. I cannot be the only Mom who does a random bath at 4pm, just to calm a fussy baby. Who's with me? 8.) I've had several people ...