rolling into fall, our favorite time of year!

School started. Like, officially. We started around the 2nd week in September but it was basic stuff; math, reading, spelling, language arts and history.
 We went on a trip to the library, took many walks and explored our new area, found leaves that are changing {yay!} and made some new food we've never made before.
This week we added science, biology and Classical Conversations! If you don't know what that is, its a private Christian co-op that meets once a week. We meet Wednesdays, I'm a tutor for 4-6 year olds and my kids each attend their own classes.

It has been many, many months of planning, prepping and praying over this and I can't believe its finally here. We went to a 3 day conference back in July and that gave the kids and I a taste of what we were in for and it was super exciting.
Today was our first day and we're tired. All of us. Miles fell asleep in the car on the way home and then decided that was his nap and has now decided he will skip his nap today {poo}. Kara came home and fell into bed for 2 hours and Ethan and Rachel napped as well  played Minecraft and then rode their bikes outside :)
I love our CC community and really enjoyed getting to meet all the kids and moms today.
This past week was full {full} of me stressing. My husband told me this morning that he rarely ever sees me nervous and so he was actually getting a kick out of seeing me go nuts over something he declared I would "be amazing at".
I was mostly nervous to not really know, firsthand, what a day at CC looks like. I've heard about it, I've read about it, I've seen the material, but I am very visual and so for me, nothing makes sense until I SEE it.
I kept thinking the kids would never understand or remember all the hand motions, words, tunes, etc... but guess what! They did. Its amazing what their little brains remember and absorb.
At one point I forgot one of the latin words and a little 5 year old in my class reminded me what it was.


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We're really, really loving where we live. Its one of those daily comments my husband and I make to each other; one of us will say something like, "this ended up being perfect for us. Only God knew." 
The location is perfect, the layout of the house and yard is fabulous and we moved in and feel right at home so quickly. If only we could move our old neighbors here...........
My only complaint is that the fridge is s m a l l and I miss my TWO refrigerators at our old house.
We plan to buy a newer, slightly larger one soon and put our current one in the garage.

Oh, before I forget - two new'ish finds that I've been enjoying.
1 is a small daily devotional called Jesus Calling. Its great. I highly recommend it. I read it with my kids each morning and we all love it. I know there's an app for the iPhone and one for a children's version too. I laughed because the apps are more expensive than the book :)

2. Lark Rise to Candleford is on Amazon streaming and its a good show. Its not the most amazing show ever, but its good, its clean and its deep. If you enjoy Pride and Prejudice or Downton Abby, I think you'll like it. Its not at the same caliber as those shows, but again, very good.

I found my label maker and went a little nuts with it. I have to say though, having 2 kids that read in our home now, labeling where things belong really pays off. Everything finds its way back to its proper place and I don't have everyone asking me constantly "where does this go?"

Jason's Dad came and stayed with us for about 5 days after we moved and helped us get SO much stuff done. He hung shelves, built pantry shelves with Jason, trimmed the bottoms of our bedroom doors (the carpet was too high and the doors were hard to close), he played a lot with the kids, helped Ethan learn how to ride his bigger, new bike and was just so fun to have him here. Our Grandpa is amazing, that's for sure!

Alright, that's all. If I don't stop now I never will.
Its been fun.
And thankfully, September has been accident free {I feel like urge to knock on wood} 


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