We're buying a house!
I'm gonna try to tell this story somewhat quickly and hopefully I won't confuse you. I feel like I should say, "when you hear the chimes sound like this *bling!* turn the page.... 

Back in '09 we short sold our house in California and moved up here to Washington. Only problem was, took our house 3 years to sell, which meant we had an additional 3 year penalty before we were able to purchase a home here :(
Two weekends ago Jason told me there were a couple open homes for sale that he wanted to look at. They were over by our last house we rented and we were already in the neighborhood so we went to look. After seeing those few, he told me he wanted to go back to the area we first lived in when we moved to Washington. Its a great area and homes are much less expensive there.
We looked at one we liked, but it was huge (we're that weird family that wants a smaller, more manageable home with a much bigger lot) and it needed some work and was at the top of our price range. Just before heading home he told me there was one he really wanted to see because the pictures were amazing. Since we were only 2 blocks away we decided to check it out.
We pulled onto the court and couldn't find the house and realized it has its own long private driveway, away from the other houses.

At first glance I didn't think much of the house. Just looks like a home built in the 70's, cute hanging plants, nice trees, etc... but I couldn't figure out why Jason thought the pictures online were "amazing".
I barely made it in the front door and was gasping. I couldn't get over how welcoming and warm the home is; how open and beautiful the floor plan was... and, the amazing pool and spa in the backyard!!

We spent about an hour there, just looking and looking and looking again. We thanked the realtor, told her how gorgeous we thought it was and apologized for being there so long ;-)

We came home and for the rest of the night Jason kept telling me how much he loved the house and how he couldn't help but feel like it was perfect for us. Everything we've been looking for.
I agreed, but knowing we can't purchase until January, I felt like we should let it go.
The next day he was still talking about how he couldn't take his mind off of it. I teased him because I came in the kitchen and saw the flyer for the house stuck on our fridge. He told me he put it there because he needed a reminder that God was going to give it to us. I will admit, I thought he was crazy :)
So when Tuesday rolled around and he was still talking about it, I suggested he write an email to the realtor and just let her know we loved it and if for some odd reason it doesn't sell and he still wants to sell it in January, contact us. He wrote her an email, explaining our situation and the next morning she wrote back and said she would be more than happy to let the owner know. 24 hours after that she emailed and told Jason the owner loved our email, is thrilled we like his house so much and would be willing to work with us. Talk about crazy surprising! We were shocked and thrilled. We started praying like crazy that God would be really clear what steps He wanted us to take; especially since it could be amazing or go very wrong.

I won't bore you with all the details here (but let me assure you, there were many amazing, clear answer to very specific prayer details answered!)
After only a week we had come to some agreements on what we both expected, what would need to be done, loan officers, realtors, etc... were brought into play and things were figured out.
He agreed to rent the home to us starting October 1st and the purchase of the home will close sometime in February.
I'm still in complete shock and in total awe at the ways God provides. Especially when He reminds me His time table isn't always my expected one and He can make what seems impossible be possible.

The home is totally remodeled (and thankfully to our taste) 4 bedroom home. Its on just under 1/2 acre with an in-ground swimming pool and hot tub, lots of backyard land and plenty of room to grow!
We couldn't be happier and are incredibly thankful for this gift.

For those of you who've been going through this fast paced process with us and have been praying and sending encouraging texts, thank you!! We're really excited to be back in an area we love and the city we spent our first 2 years here in. We have lots of good friends over there and are thankful we get to stay so local to Seattle.

As we get closer to moving in, I will post pictures here, but seeing as this is all happening right as school starts, it may take me a little while. I'm tutoring again at Classical Conversations and thankfully I have a couple more weeks to prepare for that starting. We'd appreciate continued prayer though; there's a lot on our plate and we want to be mindful of God's provision and care, even when life gets really stressful. He never ceases being good, no matter what.


Brooke said…
How exciting, Stef! And always so neat to hear about how God works. And how He does so to give us special, above and beyond, things/blessings.
Stef said…
Thank you, Brooke! I agree :)
laura said…
Look at the windows in the living room!! It's beautiful!
I remember when you guys were buying the house in Oakley, and then later on having to sell's neat to look back so many years later and see it all working out so perfectly.
God is good.
Autumn said…
Yay!!! Is it in Fairwood? Super excited that you'll be closer again! That pool looks gorgeous!
Rhiannon said…
Exciting!!! God is a provider! Praying the transition goes smoothly, and for health and safety.
Jenn said…
Wow!!! Gorgeous house and what a wonderful story. Can't deny God was at work there! Exciting!
Charlotte said…
I am so excited for you! God is good.
wedogmomma said…
I still think blogging is cool too ;)
And WOWZER on the house!
I adore God led plans <3
Enjoy the ride
gretchen said…
I'm so happy for you Stef!! What a great story of Gods goodness to His children.
Stef said…
thank you so much, ladies! I wish we could have ALL of you over after move in. I guess some visits to WA are in order ;-)
Kiara Buechler said…
Wow, amazing story, and gorgeous home!

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