December in a post

December has gone by in a whirlwind. I had grand dreams of it going by slowly and enjoying every single moment. Going to all our favorite holiday places and really relishing the month. Then we decided to drive to California to spend Christmas week with our families. And some dear friends of ours decided to move to Georgia (we hate Georgia now, just FYI) and we hosted their going away party... and I hosted my annual ladies only cookie decorating party. And then we finished up school, celebrated a small Christmas here, went to a couple parties, packed and left town. my friend Katie had me over with her sister and Mom for a cookies and cocktails party, which was super fun. We baked cookies together, drank cocktails and laughed a lot. evidence of said annual cookie decorating party. I bought these leaves at a market in Tacoma and have loved the color they've brought to our house! And as a bonus... they're sti...