
Need I say more? ;-) Sometimes we have days where we just need to be out. Away from the kitchen table. Away from chores around the house. Away from the everyday, mundane. My kids recently told me they love doing their art lesson out in nature, so I've been trying to do just that on the days we do art. Sometimes that means we go sit out on our trail, behind our house. Sometimes I means we drive to the beach. This beach is called Seahurst Beach Park and its one of our favorites. It helps that one of my favorite coffee shops and used clothing stores it just up the street from it :) We use an art program called Artistic Pursuits and we love it. Its taken us a while to figure out which curriculum we like most and this one has been a favorite. I read the lesson and the story, then we talk about what we learned, we try to find real life ideas and then they draw...