Walk already!
Many of you have been asking "is Rachel walking yet?!" and I'm here to tell you all, no... she's not. This girl, much like her brother, has decided that talking is way more important to her. She's turning into quite the talker, putting 2 words together really well and understanding most of what we say to her. Ethan did the same thing and I remember my Dr. telling us that kids will either walk first or talk first, but usually not both. Ethan didn't walk until he was 15 months old, so she's got time.
She's getting very close; often standing all by herself and she has taken a couple steps and then realizes she's alone and sits down. :)
I'm eager for her to walk, so her knees can quit getting so scratched, but I know the day she walks, I'll be sobbing, because my baby is growing up!
All kids go at their own pace!