Baby Audrey...

Well, my friends... I knew this post would be coming, but didn't want it to be so soon or expect it to be so hard. My friend Sara's little daughter Audrey Maria has passed away this morning.
Thank you to all of you who have been praying for their family. The Lord is so gracious and does all things well -- I'm resting in that I know the Wood family is as well.

All I keep thinking is, if the news has been this hard for me, I cannot imagine what her parents and siblings are going through. So please keep praying for them... they need them now more than ever.

Thanks again, Stef


Erin said…
I am so sorry to hear of Audrey's death. We are praying for her family!
Erin said…
I am so sorry to hear of Audrey's death. We are praying for her family!
Stef said…
Thanks Erin <3

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