will work for money!

Many of you already know this, but some probably don't. I'm not sure how many of you read Jason's website (hi Laura!) but I'm assuming the majority of you don't.

Back in December Jason's company had to make some serious budget cuts and they let him know that as of February 1st they would not be able to keep him on full time. We were sad to hear it, mostly because this has been an awesome job for Jason, but we knew God would continue to provide for us and so we began praying and Jason began calling contacts and looking for work.
Seemed like he was going to get a new job the day he began looking, but one by one, jobs that looked good, soon became obvious that they weren't a good fit, doors that seemed to be opening, were being shut very quickly and interviews that originally went well had to call back and let him know that they did not get 2009 beginning of the year funding and so they also couldn't pay him a decent salary.
So after about 3+ weeks of this, we began to worry a bit. I have to say, its been a huge learning and growing experience for me. Its been nice to put my faith where my mouth is and to fully rely upon God and know that even in times of deep trial, He takes care of us. We can't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet, but He sees it and He's paving the way for us to get there.

I'm posting this mainly to ask you all to pray. Last week Jason was offered a good job with a good company and really feels that this is where God is leading him. We're excited because, not only will it be 100% telecommuting from home, but he will literally have no days where he goes into the office. If he chooses to drive up t Sacramento and meet with everyone, he can, but he won't "have" to.
He has a few projects he's working on, that if they go well, they will be "money making projects" which is exciting. He still has contract work that keeps him busy during several nights a week and we're able to pay for our own medical.
For us, the biggy is our mortgage. It has to be paid and paid on time. Other than that, we don't really have debt. But that mortgage is pretty important.
So we would ask that you please pray that God will give us clear direction and give Jason peace about his final decision. Tomorrow he'll be going into SF for a bunch of interviews with a recruiting agency that got him his previous job.
He's being slightly pickier this time; wanting to telecommute and needing to make a specific salary.

After the interviews he'll be able to make his final decision and we'll go from there. I'll keep you posted.



Erin said…
Stef - we are praying for the right job for Jason!
Stef said…
thanks, Erin. We really appreciate everyone's prayers.
Anonymous said…
I am praying for you, Jason, and the family. It's scary i'm sure but I know God is going to work it all out! Just know you guys are in my daily prayers!!! Can't wait to hear what God does!
W and J said…
Wow, what news! You guys have such a great perspective in this time of need. What a great testimony to grace!! We are praying!
Wow, what news! You guys have such a great perspective in this time of need. What a great testimony to grace!! We are praying!
Erin said…
Stef - we are praying for the right job for Jason!

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