Space Needle {up top}

Ethan and my reflection in the window 

this was a computer screen with a live view of the outside. 
Ethan was able to take the joystick and move it around to get different views. 

he told me he was high enough to look for Heaven :) 

Ethan noticed that these clouds look like an H and an E 


wedogmomma said…
Your parents kissing....stunning for SO many reasons....the romance of it all, the beauty of the photo....your pride in posting it....I'm just in love with the whole thing!
Charlotte said…
I am so happy that it was relatively clear that day! My MIL used to live in the Seattle area and years would go by before we coincided our visit with a sunny day to go up the Space Needle.

And I love that photo of your parents....very sweet!
Stef said…
Nikki, your comment made my Mom and I LOL :)

Charlotte, the weather this winter has been AMAZING and quite odd for this area. This week (it would figure) the rain and clouds came back... but we did have lots of sun in between.
Stef said…
Thanks Gina! I was glad to capture that :)

We had SO much fun! I have more pix from our week to upload... but maybe next week :)
Erin said…
Your parents are so kissy & cute!
Stef said…
I know, they are! Showing Affection and emotions were never something my parents/family hid and though that can have its rough moments... its mostly wonderful :)
Stef said…
Nikki, your comment made my Mom and I LOL :)

Charlotte, the weather this winter has been AMAZING and quite odd for this area. This week (it would figure) the rain and clouds came back... but we did have lots of sun in between.
wedogmomma said…
Your parents kissing....stunning for SO many reasons....the romance of it all, the beauty of the photo....your pride in posting it....I'm just in love with the whole thing!

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