the aftermath...
Here are some pictures of my Mom's totaled car. So now you can come visit the Arnolds AND get your car totaled. I must say, there are *some* good things that come from having a totaled car. Could be much worse. Like, we could be dead. I keep reminding myself of that. Most of the damage was done to the undercarriage and frame of the car. Because the bus was so heavy and going 30+ mph, it basically grabbed onto the car for a split second and yanked the frame, causing it to bend and buckle underneath.
Its very strange to see in person, because the rest of the car looks in perfect condition.
All in all, we're just praising God that we walked away without even a bruise!
I am so glad that you guys weren't just a few seconds further. God protected you! These things's just a car after all.
All in all, we're just praising God that we walked away without even a bruise!