check both ways... maybe twice!

Because I posted about this on Facebook, but didn't go into huge detail, I wanted to post it here, just to let everyone know we're OK. And no, we didn't get on the phone and call our closest friends and all our family members, so please do not be offended if this is the first you're hearing about this. 
Jason and I went out for coffee this morning - left my Mom here with our kids. We took my Mom's car, since we didn't need to take a the van with just the two of us. 
After our coffee date, we decided to drive home the long way and go through some nearby neighborhoods we hadn't really been in yet. I came to a stop sign and brought the car to a full, complete stop. I looked both ways {to the right the street went up a hill and kind of dropped off, so I was making sure no cars were in visible sight and to the left the street was a hill coming down}. I happened to have a blind spot with some bushes over on the left and didn't notice a metro bus coming up to pass me. I took my foot off the gas peddle and began coasting out to begin my turn. Thankfully I didn't apply any gas to the car, because the next thing I saw, was a huge metro bus coming right up in front of me, going about 30+ mph! 
I went to slam my foot on the break, so my Mom's car wouldn't coast right into the side of the bus, but my flip flop I was wearing {and I never wear flip flops anymore for this reason} started sliding off my foot and I wasn't able to find the break peddle fast enough. So we basically did what I was afraid would happen - coasted right into the bus and all I heard was CRUNCH and all I felt was a big, fat jolt. Before we hit the bus, but right when I realized we were going to hit it, my thoughts were "God, if this is your time for me, I'm ready and happy to be with You... but MAN I'm gonna miss my kids!" and then I felt like their little faces flashed through my head and suddenly I just wanted to be home with them, kissing their cheeks. After we hit the bus and I realized I was in fact alive and seemed to be unharmed, I began sobbing and shaking and thinking of how quickly life really can end... or how drastically life can change, in just a matter of seconds. And, my previous blog post came slapping me right in the face :) 

Anyway, Jason and I are doing fine. We're both pretty shaken up, I'm crying for no reason off and on {not sure why} and my knees are hurting me a bit, because they slammed into the bottom of the steering wheel. 
It could've been much worse. It could've ended our lives. The fireman kept staring at the car and shaking his head and then would say "another two feet and the front of the bus would've slammed right into your door, mostly likely killing you and sending your husband to Intensive Care." 
God is so good and I'm glad it was His will to send Jason and me home, unharmed and safe with our kids. Interestingly enough, while we drove around in the car, we were discussing how we'd like to have a will made up, to make sure our kids are taken care of, should anything happen to us. Ironic

So there you have it. You don't have to say you heard it through the grapevine, because now you've heard it straight from me... through the website :) I love technology. 
I'm going to go rest and enjoy my family now... 


Cindy Marsch said…
So glad you're okay. We hit a deer on the Interstate a few months ago and totaled our 11yo minivan.

I'm sending your post to a certain daughter of mine who insists that I'm overprotective for forbidding flip-flops for driving in our cars. :-) Thanks for the mom help! :-)
Stef said…
oh Cindy... you can give her my number anytime! When I was about 20 years old I nannied for some people who lived next door to a lady who's 18 year old daughter was hit by a car, unable to apply her foot to the breaks, ALL because she had flip flops on and they were slipping off her foot. Just like what happened to me today. Her daughter was in a coma for weeks and then died about 2 months after the accident. Her best friend was in the back seat of the car and only remembers hearing her yell "my shoe! Its falling off!"
Since that day, I have never driven a car with flip flops on. I wore a pair today, thinking I wouldn't be driving, but on the way home I hopped in the driver's seat :)

Anyway, yes. Tell her to listen to you - its very wise advice!
Brooke said…
Wow! So glad you're OK. You know I know how that goes. It is a very strange feeling and such a feeling of thankfulness!
Jessica said…
Praise God you are both alive and well. Take some time to let the stress and emotional trauma to wear off.
Emily said…
How scary! I am so glad you are okay.
Stef said…
Thanks girls! Brooke, I thought of you guys today when I was sitting there, looking at the car's damage. My thought was "remember the Sauder's car accident?! I can't imagine...."

Jessi, the emotions have been wacko today. Sometimes just crying for what feels like no reason at all. Just SO thankful to be OK, but so sad because it feels like the littlest thing could've prevented it.
Melissa Joy said…
Oh Stef, I am so thankful you and Jason are well. (((hugs))) God is kind, indeed.
And as for a will, it's an excellent idea. We did that just after I delivered Gabriel, and it is a blessing to know that we've done everything we can to protect & provide for him, should something unforeseen happen. If there's one thing we knew we didn't want, it's the state getting control of everything (most importantly, our sweet son!).
Anyway, praying that the Lord fills you with His peace and comfort as you move forward and process this incident. Bless you.
Charlotte said…
Oh Stef, I am so thankful you are both okay! I have never been in an accident like that, but only a couple fender benders; even those play with my emotions and give me a huge wake up call with how blessed I am and how I could go home to the Lord anytime. And very good reminder about the flip flops....that is all I really wear in the summer so I need to stick some better shoes in the car for when I am driving. God is good!
Erin said…
WOW. How scary. I think it is probably really normal that you are feeling weepy & stuff. Just rest!
I am so glad you guys are okay!!!
Stef said…
Charlotte, a good thing to know about the flip flops is that they're terrible for your back :(

Melissa, I think the issue we're facing is WHO to leave our kids with, in the event something does happen to us. Its kind of a difficult decision that needs lots of prayer and then attention. Anyway, after yesterday we do realize the importance of it all.
The good news is, we both woke up this morning feeling just fine, so praise God for that!
Stef said…
Charlotte, a good thing to know about the flip flops is that they're terrible for your back :(

Melissa, I think the issue we're facing is WHO to leave our kids with, in the event something does happen to us. Its kind of a difficult decision that needs lots of prayer and then attention. Anyway, after yesterday we do realize the importance of it all.
The good news is, we both woke up this morning feeling just fine, so praise God for that!
Melissa Joy said…
Oh Stef, I am so thankful you and Jason are well. (((hugs))) God is kind, indeed.
And as for a will, it's an excellent idea. We did that just after I delivered Gabriel, and it is a blessing to know that we've done everything we can to protect & provide for him, should something unforeseen happen. If there's one thing we knew we didn't want, it's the state getting control of everything (most importantly, our sweet son!).
Anyway, praying that the Lord fills you with His peace and comfort as you move forward and process this incident. Bless you.
Jessica said…
Praise God you are both alive and well. Take some time to let the stress and emotional trauma to wear off.
Erin said…
WOW. How scary. I think it is probably really normal that you are feeling weepy & stuff. Just rest!
I am so glad you guys are okay!!!
Charlotte said…
Oh Stef, I am so thankful you are both okay! I have never been in an accident like that, but only a couple fender benders; even those play with my emotions and give me a huge wake up call with how blessed I am and how I could go home to the Lord anytime. And very good reminder about the flip flops....that is all I really wear in the summer so I need to stick some better shoes in the car for when I am driving. God is good!

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