One Thousandth blog post + GIVEAWAY!!

This marks the one thousandth blog post for me
If you added the blogging over at, I'm sure it would be far more, but I haven't blogged over there since Kara was a baby.
For my simple mind, Blogger worked out much better for me. Sorry, husband. 

I've been at this blogging thing for almost 8 years and I'm still not sick of it! I like to write {never thought I'd say that} and I really enjoy interacting with people; friends and then strangers who become friends. 
Its great and its been a great way for us to share our day-to-day life with our families, since we moved. 

Jason and I have been mulling around what I should do for a 1,000 blog post giveaway, just for fun. Not because I think my 1,000 post is as special to all of you as it is to me.
We tossed around the idea of a Kindle, since Amazon dropped the price, but it was still... too much for me. We settled on a fun idea. You get to pick the final result, so read on and then be sure to leave a comment.

The prize winner will receive their choice of one of these things in a $50 gift card or both things, split down the middle.
1. Amazon gift card {either $25 or $50 in value}
2. Starbucks gift card {either $25 or $50 in value}
3. if Starbucks isn't your "cup of tea" let me know what coffee place is and if possible, I will get the gift card to that place. 

 I know this isn't the most creative or artsy giveaway, but I wanted to play fair for my male readers {yeah, I know you guys are out there -you can't hide} and I had a feeling both men and women would appreciate this one. Also, if you're married, you AND your spouse may leave comments as a way to get two in there... its not cheating. 
When you leave your comment, feel free to let me know what you'd pick, but don't feel obligated. If you win, I will still ask your preference :)
Also, if you feel so inclined, let me know what your favorite blog post/posts have been over the past 1,000 - what things do you most like seeing/reading about on here, etc... but again, if you don't, it won't impact your winning.
Please don't be shy... even if you've never commented on here before, you're welcome to do so now. You won't be judged :)

The giveaway will be closed at 8PM PST on October 30th and I will announce a winner around 9pm PST on the same night.  

Enter away!


Melissa Joy said…
Oooooooh, fun stuff, Stef! One thousand? Really? Already?! You go girl. :) And honestly, Amazon and Starbucks are both places where I could very cheerfully spend money (and do). :) That would be a tricky decision! I've been enjoying your Monday survey posts; it's a great way to get little peeks into multiple aspects of your life all at once.
Peace and blessings!
schristen said…
One of my favorite blogs to read =) I have really enjoyed getting to "know" you and your family through this blog (and in real life!). Quite amazing that you are at 1,000 blog posts wow! I would pick either of those, but probably lean towards Starbuck to feed my ever growing habit =)
Brooke said…
Hey Stef!
Happy 1000 :)
Sweet of you to offer a gift to us your readers :)
I've enjoyed seeing a bit of your day to day and keeping up with the goings on of the Arnolds!
jillyco said…
Okay, I just wrote out a comment and for some reason it didn't post. So, if you eventually have TWO from me, that's why. :)
I love your blog...congrats on the milestone! I've been reading since the early "jastef days!"
My favorite posts are the ones that tell a story through pictures; you have such a good eye for photography!
If I win, I'd love the "split prize" with one gift card for each place. Love 'em both!
Anonymous said…
Love all the posts about the day to day of your family! I would love the amazon gift card!
Matthew said…
Yes, wow, 1000 posts! That's a feat I will never achieve. Prizewise, can't beat an Amazon GC. As far as fave post, I still remember the painful post after you miscarried. I also love the posts of the amazing things your kids say, though that's more on fb. I still think there's a book in that somewhere. But I think God has given you a way with words that fits for blogging. Thanks!
Shane Eckert said…
Awww man! I was sure it was an unlocked iPhone 4S. :-)

Congrats on your 1000th post!
Liz said…
Wow! 1,000 posts is amazing!

Looking forward to catching up with you soon ;)

Love, Liz
vivaciousgold said…
Great blogger- much success!
Emily said…
Three cheers for 1000 posts! I love your blog because it keeps us connected across the 3,000 miles from Renton to Oviedo. I don't have any one favorite post, but I really love the ones with the candid photos of your kids. They are so cute, and I eat up the photos. I am so thankful that we were able to rekindle this friendship. 27 years of being friends. That's pretty awesome. Love you Stef, and congrats on 1000.
Julie Handel said…
Thanks for keeping us posted on your life - love reading!
LisaP said…
Ok I guess if you have been at this for 8 years I have a lot of reading to do. Congratulations on your 1000 blog. As for a favorite blog I have to get reading. Luv you guys! Hugs! LisaP.
Jane said…
I love every single one of those 1,000 blog posts because it is window into your lives so far from us in WA! I love all the photos too! Love you all~mom
Ludicrous Mama said…
I like getting to catch up on all the stuff I miss on your FB posts, since we hardly see each other at events!
Sunny said…
GAH! I just wrote a response and my computer ate it. Huff.

Anyway! I feel guilty entering your contest because I totally owe you an email right now. But I am so far behind on reading/responding/anything that doesn't have to do with caring for my kiddos and trying not to puke. ;) CONGRATULATIONS on 1000 posts, that is absolutely amazing! I love catching up on what you are up to, since I almost never make it to events these days. I am excited to have our 4th babies together and learn how to navigate life with a large brood of amazing kiddos! :D Here's to many more years of blogging.
Sarah Moulton said…
you are very cute Stef! I don't even have a clue how many post I've done...That would be interesting to find out. you are a more faithful blogger than I am so I'm sure you've blown me away although shocking to some I probably have posted more pictures because I'm a little crazy...
I think I just enjoy following your blog in general because otherwise I our relationship would hardly be that but since I read your blog I feel like I could call you up and stay with you and we'd know all about eachothers lives :)
If I was picking a gift card I'd go amazon. Can't get enough :)
happy 1000!
Holly D. said…
You are WAY more dedicated at this blogging thing than I am!!! Congrats on the 1000 posts!
Through all the years I've been reading your blog, I've loved all the pictures, funny stories/comments your kids have made, and the insight you have on the Bible.
Thanks for letting me be a part of your family even though we're 2 states away!
Charlotte said…
1000 posts....that is amazing. I love seeing posts about your family, daily life and happenings. It has been such a blessing to get in touch with you again after all these years. And Amazon and Starbucks are both great places....I would take the split. Congrats on your 1000th post!
Commenting! <3 The whole blog thing is fun. I don't get to mine as much as I wish I could but still love the idea of it. Most of the time I forget about those on the other side who read it (truth be told I don't think that many DO read it). So here's to let you know I *do* read yours... when I have a few minutes to do so... like now.
Krista said…
Wow, how fun! I always have liked your here-is-our-day posts. I like seeing how you decorate too. :)

I would choose the $50 Amazon card.
Erin said…
Holy smokes, Stef! My favorite blog post from the 1,000?! Um. hold on, let me go back & read them all...
I would use Starbucks or Amazon. But my top choice would be Amazon. I shop there more often than anywhere else (other than for groceries, of course!).
Nicola said…
Wow Stef! 1000 post what great memories. As to picking my favoite post I would have to say... and the first one that comes to mind is Kara showing your ultrasound picture! How precious can you get?!
I would choose Amazon for a gift card.
Looking forward to the next 1000 posts! Happy Posting.
W and J said…
Pick me pick me!! (hey, it worked last time! ;))

congrats on 1,000!!! Love that you're doing a giveaway! Now the question remains...have you printed out any of your blog into a book or something to look through??

I always love your thoughtful/reflective posts (in addition to the ones with loads of cute pictures!) because they are so encouraging and convicting!
Jen said…
Wow 1000 Posts!! What an awesome memory you are making for your family. Have you ever had it printed to a book? I just want to say thank you because you are one of the reasons that I started blogging. You inspired me :)
gretchen said…
hey Stef, it's fun to read what all your friends had to say :) I'm going to bite and write. I'm not at all surprised that you love to write and will not forget the emails you wrote me before we met. I like others enjoy checking out what you're up to and seeing pics of your family.
JaneeNoel said…
1000 posts- wow. That's amazing.

Amazon all the way!! We are huge amazon fans around here. Hope you're having a lovely fall!
Megan Knight said…
I love your blog Stef! Happy 1000!!!!! Would love amazon :)
Chris said…
hey stef! congrats on 1000 blog posts!

i would sure like to buy some books with an amazon gift card...
Gideon said…
Congratulations on reaching 1,000 blog posts Stef! I am very impressed and hope one day I can be like you and reach 1,000 with Gideon's Adventures. I appreciate and admire your honesty, vulnerability, and love when it comes to your family and writings. I would love half amazon and half starbucks. =)
Violet said…
WOW 1,000 that's awesome! But only half as awesome as hanging out with you again :) As for my favorite post, I'd have to honestly say I love it when you were writing about Kara's third birthday, specifically her mini pep talk going to church. LOVE IT! Oh, so I'm completely addicted to coffee, just ta let cha know ;) Love you and praying for you all!
Justin Dean said…
You have a blog? Just kidding. So blessed to know you and your family and to be able to follow along on your blog. I want the Amazon card!!
Ashley said…
Thanks Steph for being an encouragement and for allowing your kids to crack me up! There have been many times I have busted out laughing at something the kids have said :)
Jessica said…
Happy 1000 Stef! It has been fun getting to know you and your family more by reading your blog. Looking forward to more posts and words of wisdom from you!! - God Bless, Jessica
Nicole said…
1,000!! Congrats! That's called dedication :)
I have loved "getting to know" you, reading about your trials and joys and your commitment to following Christ through them! It has been an encouragement and a blessing to me!

If I was choosing gift cards, I'd have to pick Amazon! Love that site!! Although Starbucks is pretty tempting also :)
~ Kristen said…
I didnt know you had been blogging this long!! Congrats!! Makes me want to blog more its been so busy. I love your blog and I love both starbucks and amazon what a great idea!! :)
Steph said…
You a so sweet to do a giveaway! What do I like best about your blog? Several things.. definitely how genuine and real you are in your posts, but especially how it is always about God's goodness and love. Second would be the friendship between you and Jason. It pierces and blesses my heart, bringing tears and a big smile.
Hope to see you again soon!
Anonymous said…
Love you guys! Happy 1,000!!!!!!! I now have to read your blog more to see you guys :( we need to visit soon.
Christy said…
Couldn't resist the temptation to give a try for that prize! 1,000 posts means a LOT of catching up for me, I love reading blogs and now can add you to my list :) Also, Last night was so much fun!
Jenn said…
Wow 1000 posts!!! Some of my favorite posts have been the cute, funny, intelligent things your kids say! Love, love, love!!!!
Anonymous said…
i love your heart for your family and your faithfulness to chronicle your life! You are loved!

From your favorite Weiner!
Nancy T. said…
Congrats on your 1000!! I enjoy reading your blog and watching your family grow. Love amazon!
Dianne said…
Did I do it right this time? Never thought I was internet-challenged, but it seems to be passing me by.
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the 1000th!
This is such a great way to keep a digital scrapbook of your kids!!! If I by chance win, I would love a Peets Coffee card....
Anonymous said…
Oops...the last anonymous is from Michelle Chacon....I couldn't get the gmail thing to work without signing up for a blog...
Heidi said…
Happy 1000! Amazon, because I love my kindle. Looking forward to catching up soon!
Anonymous said…
Hi! I love your blog's and seeing your life and your family's. I think that it's so neat that 21 years later we are still friends! I like the posts about the field trips. I enjoy reading them and looking at the pics, and seeing the excitement of the kids faces and reactions. If I had to pick one as you asked us to pick one; I would choose the pretzels place. Thanks for taking the time to update and upload pics and share them with us!! (Rhiannon Hatt) (if I won I would choose the amazon gift card)

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