water play... before the rain

Seriously. My title says it all. I know weather has been random everywhere, but what we're having just cracks me up! Moms were slathering kids in sunscreen yesterday and today its raining and in the low 50's. I guess time of the year and specific months don't matter to God ;-)

Either way, we had a fun pool play date with our friends. I'm hosting these this summer. Wanting to enjoy our backyard with our friends and be a bit more comfortable than we'd be at a huge park.

 we had the big pool 
the tent
the sprinklers 
and the sandbox. 
I might be brave next time and man the slip n slide. 

   I had the dumb flash on and didn't realize it. Some of these turned out super bright :-\

 my good friend Sharon and her daughter Annika 

 I'd love to know what they were planning.... 

I love Noah's smile :-)

So we got up this morning to what looks like March weather.
I pretend to be annoyed by it but it really doesn't bother me that much.
I love how green everything is here and so I suppose
the rain comes with the territory.
I didn't plan accordingly and so we have towels hanging out to "dry"
on the deck. You can probably guess... they're not dry.

Today we have a few candles lit.
We enjoyed a nice big breakfast.
Kids are playing with legos, magnet dolls, crafts and reading.
Later I'm hosting our last Kids Book Club with the MOMS Club I'm in.
I'm resigning my membership and joining the MOMS Club in the city I live in.
Its been 3 years of fun and blessing with those ladies.
Leaving to join a new club is very bitter sweet.
Thankful I'm taking good, lasting friendships with me. 


Nicola said…
Love the pics! Our weather has been crazy, fires in the beginning of the week and now we're about to have a thunderstorm and 83. But I'm loving it.

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