we {heart} Seattle.
It was a mild winter and has definitely been a lovely Spring.
We'v had a great mix of winter/early Spring weather mixed in with
definite Spring weather.
We have a hard time staying indoors during any weather, but when its
this nice out, we venture somewhere.
First, we did PE out back.
the kids played while I packed lunches for our trip and cleaned up the breakfast mess.
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Then we drove to Seattle. Its our go-to place when we want an exciting adventure. Seattle is different every time we go and we live so close, so its a no brainer.
The kids asked if we could go by Noah's Bagels on our way. So we stopped off and found out that Noah's has been renamed! Einstein Brothers bought Noah's several years ago and for some reason just now changed the name. Still tasted just as good.
I had fun being artsy fartsy with my iPhone.
someone things he's all big and grown up now.
These are shots I took in Seattle.
Just thought they looked cool.
My 3 buddies.
Rachel asked me if I was bored before they were all born.
I told her I've not been bored since marrying Daddy....
but that my days are full of excitement because of them :)
Our favorite toy store has the coolest toys!
Finally found these on Amazon !
I liked the brick wall.
Asked the kids to stand by it so I could snap a pic.
They all posed and smiled nicely.
I said, "how about if you don't really pose. Just look natural."
This is apparently what my kids think is "looking natural." :)
they pretty much nailed it.
this is another amazing toy we love. Quadrilla
the restroom tile wall makes me LOL every time.
My Mom loves the show Downton Abby and so we took this one for her, in honor of her show.
Was a gorgeous day and as always, we had a great time!