Heaven's peace and perfect justice, kissed a guilty world in love
What is love? Ethan asked me this the other day and I actually stopped and had to think about my answer. Its such a loaded word. Its packed full of so much emotion and can have such a long description. I pointed out to him what my love for him is, what Jason's and my love for each other is and what his love for us is. Then pointed those types of love to a Love greater than any earthly love we'll ever know; God's love. As the days have passed, that conversation has been mulling itself over in my brain and when that happens, I know its either God telling me I'm not giving a matter to Him and resting in His care, OR , He's giving me something great and wonderful to spend my time meditating on. In this case it was the latter of the two :-) I want to be a person who loves others. And not just because they're cute, lovable people... but because I know that God created them, loves them and has called me to show Christlike love to them. That means love without status,...