Dear Rachel, Here I am writing you a letter on the eve of your 6th birthday. How did six years go by so fast? How did my little, chubby, first daughter become such a tall, confident big girl? You are tall. People tell us that everywhere we go - "Wow! She's not a twin to your son? She's SO tall!" I'm doing my best to keep up with your journal and take notes here and there to remember these amazing days of your youth. You still can't say your 'R's' and a few weeks back you heard a little girl {on our Steve Green CD} with the same speech accent as you and you said, "oh! so that's what I sound like. Interesting!" :) We all laughed out loud at that one. You have a very good sense of humor and tell pretty awesome knock-knock jokes. You make up fun stories and entertain Kara at bedtime with them. There's always a princess, always a scary scenario and always Daddy {the Prince} saves the day at the end. You love to play ...