We've been sick with the stomach flu since Saturday night. Rachel first, then Jason, now me and I assume Ethan will follow suit very soon. We're praying we're all well by Saturday because some of our friends from our church are getting married Saturday night and we'd really like to make it to the wedding. Thankfully it only lasts (at the most) 24 hours and none of us have overlapped and been sick together, which helps in keeping the house running. For better news... check out the new changing table we got! I'm very excited about it and can't wait to start using it. This is the 1st changing table we've bought, so its rather thrilling. Its a corner unit and saves on a lot of space, which we're always looking to do in our not-so-big house. I loved all the shelving space AND it comes with wicker baskets to put on the two bottom long shelves.