
Showing posts from January, 2013

10 things

I have no idea why I'm writing this. I saw it on another blog and enjoyed reading hers, so I thought it would be fun to do my own. Poser moment, what can I say? Maybe I should title it "10 things about the weekend" - I used to post about our weekends and between getting tired of it and feeling like some things are better when kept more private, I stopped. Either way, here are 10 random facts about our weekend. 1.) The ladies in our Community Group got together and had a great time. The food was amazing and time of fellowship, even better. I'm blessed to know a group of very real, genuinely sweet ladies who inspire me in my walk with Christ.  2.) Stayed up too late Friday night acting like a teenager with my husband #noregrets  3.) Saturday morning we split our family up and ran in two different directions. Never my choice of how to do things, but so thankful for a healthy boy able to go to his first basketball game, two working cars and a husband who gave up...


We had our first sick visit to the Dr with Miles :( About 4 days ago I noticed his right eye started looking a bit swollen. First I thought he scratched it, or bumped it. But then the next day, I saw green goop in the corner. Ugh. Since he had no cold or any congestion, I dismissed it as not being conjunctivitis since that comes from getting the cold in your eye. But we're not sick and he's not sick. Apparently babies who crawl all over and then stick their hands in their eyes can kind of pick up germs wherever they go ;-) Anyway, we went to his Pediatrician today and he said he's got a very mild case of pink eye. He ordered an RX for us, but said I could continue the breast milk drops since they seem to be helping. My poor Pediatrician thinks I'm crazy with all my homeopathic remedies, but if I can save the $ and drug use, I will. So far its helping. I put some of my milk in a medicine dropper and then 2-3 times a day {when he sleeps} I drop a couple drops in th...

Miles ::9 months::

Oh Miles. Here we are at the 9 month mark and you're giving me a run for my money! You're quite a busy boy; very eager to keep up with your older siblings. You've decided in the past week that you would like to walk. But then you can't walk. But you don't like to admit that, so you try anyway... and you fall on your face. You have little red marks and bruises all over your cheeks and forehead. Something tells me we'll be making Emergency room visits with you far more than we did with your brother and sisters. You also like to climb... everything . So we have to be careful where we let you play because if you can climb it, you will.  You're cutting a few more teeth which has caused for some fussiness and bedtime seems to be rough. I have no idea if this is in connection with teething, but you've been fighting sleep at night. Like, going to sleep. Sometimes we're up until midnight with you, trying to get you to give up and go to sleep. Onc...

Its been a while.

The weather has been so sunny this month, just very cold.  If you can go out and stay in the sun, its not bad at all.  But if you get stuck in the shade, its freezing.  The kids and I went to Seattle and as we left the bright sunshine at our house,  we got to the bridge and freaked out a bit when it looked like this...  I called Jason at work and said "what's the weather like there?"  and he told me, "its gorgeous; sunny, a few clouds, just beautiful."  I had a hard time believing that because where we were on the bridge was  only a few miles outside of Seattle.  and yet....  it was true. so weird.   Ta-da!     we have a donut and coffee place we've simply missed too much and had to visit. Miles is the reindeer you see strapped to me :)  we love the flowers.  ********************************* We walked by the cheese factory and realized they ad...

on getting more sleep and getting more energy.

Okay so, I have an amazing husband who thinks I'm super woman. He tells me this and I laugh. I tell him he's crazy and that I'm crafty in some way, for having him fooled these 19 years we've known each other. I'm not super. At all. I'm sure I'm pretty average. But I think its nice he thinks I'm super. It works well for both of us. Its hard to think of yourself as super when we know the deep, inward struggles we have. I know the areas that are slipping by the wayside and need attention. I've been struggling lately. I wasn't sure with what exactly, but I knew I was struggling. We always know, right ladies? For me I felt mentally disorganized, always a few steps behind, never prepared and at the end of the day, in a frazzled state of panic and exhaustion. I tried to remedy the problem. - Maybe I need more time reading my Bible. Always a good thing, for sure, but I realized quickly that wasn't it. - Maybe I need to text people less dur...

Laughing out LOUD

I'm not posting this on Facebook because its a cute/funny conversation I had with Ethan and I'd rather it not get turned into a debate about Santa, or movies... or vaccines. No, I'm not joking. Our neighbor boy's  name is Sully. He comes over a lot to play with Ethan. He was here yesterday and this morning Ethan told me this... E:  "So Mommy, yesterday when Sully was here, he asked me if I wanted to tell him a secret I'm keeping. Since I'm not keeping any secrets right now, I told him about our surprise trip to see Nana & Papa for Christmas. S: "what did he think about that? That's a pretty big secret." E: "He said it wasn't as fun as his secret." S: "Ah. What's his secret?" E: "Well, he told me that he's the real Obi-wan Kenobi... From Star Wars." S: <laughing out loud> E: "I know... I wasn't sure what to say to him. I felt the same way I do when bigger kids still b...

on feeling tired, travel and jumping back into routine.

I'm wiped out. This year started with travel for Miles and me and so here I sit, on January 9th, feeling completely wiped out. I have a hard time admitting that. I worry that if I say I'm exhausted or stressed, the first thing people will think is, "that's because you're insane with 4 kids and home schooling." So I lie to myself and tell myself I can't complain or ever admit I'm, you know, human ;-)     taking his first plane ride!      our plane. leaving Seattle, headed to California!  Truth is, we all get wiped out. Moms with 1 child and moms with 8. Its different degrees of wiped out, but I'm not sure we care in the moment. We just know we're sleepy, needing down time, and thankful tomorrow is a fresh, new gift from God. I already find myself looking at the mom in the store with 3 small toddlers thinking, "wow, remember those days?" I might have one more child than her and I might home school 3 of my kids, but m...