McCain's Choice for VP - Governor Sarah Palin

Couldn't be happier and I think it was a smart move on his part. I've already heard the liberals making comments about how few qualifications she has and I'm dying to know... what are Obama's major qualifications for President of the United States? I can come up with two that have been the only two I can find. He's black and can be very charismatic in reading speeches that have been written for him. Just beware - don't catch him in an open forum setting... its like watching SNL. :) Anyway, the race is on! Don't forget to vote on November 4th. If you're not registered get out there and register! This is one of the best ways we can make a difference and serve our Country. If you don't vote, you're not allowed to complain or give your opinion for the next 4 years. ;-) Here's Wikipedia's run down on Governor Palin. Also, go here for my friend's take on this election. I love her point of view and the way her mind works. :)